13th Annual International Conference on Eurasian Economic Integration

The event will bring together heads of ministries and other authorities, the Eurasian Economic Commission, national companies, representatives of international financial institutions, academia, businesses, and experts from the Bank’s member states and other countries. 

Key topics:

  • Eurasian integration agenda
  • Trade finance: how export agencies support integration
  • Eurasian infrastructure breakthrough: national projects driving development and integration
  • Energy: balancing conventional and new sources of energy
  • Establishing a single EAEU space for settlements in national currencies

The EDB’s conferences have become an effective instrument of communication and information exchange for financial institutions, authorities and businesses in the Bank’s member states. 

Venue: World Trade Center, 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., Moscow, Entrance 4

Date: 22 November 2018

Time: from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

09:00 – 10:00

Welcome coffee and registration

10:00 – 10:10

Conference opening and welcome speech by Andrey Beliyaninov, Chairman of the Management Board at the EDB

10:10 – 11:50

Plenary session. Eurasian integration agenda: challenges and perspectives

Topics for discussion:

1. Strengthening the role of national currencies in export and import payments within the EAEU and Greater Eurasia. What are the current barriers and constraints? What needs to be done to overcome them? The role of development institutions.

2. The EAEU single capital market and its promotion. How are the concept and roadmap of the single capital market being developed? The main “pressure points” and solutions.

3. Integration processes and the role of development institutions. The Eurasian integration agenda for the coming years. What should efforts focus on?

4. Prospects for expanding the geography of Eurasian integration. What countries may be interested in joining the EAEU? What trade agreements are on the agenda?

5. A Eurasian rating agency: the expediency of, and prospects for, creating one.

Moderator: Stanislav Natanzon, TV reporter and presenter, Russia 24 news channel

Invited speakers:

  • Andrey Beliyaninov, Chairman of the Management Board at the Eurasian Development Bank
  • Tigran Sargsyan, Chairman of the Board, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Alexei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Sergey Storchak, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • Sergei Gorkov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Andrey Klepach, Deputy Chairman – Member of the Board, Vnesheconombank
  • Ruslan Davydov, First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation
  • Dmitry Babichev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Development Bank of Kazakhstan

11:50 – 12:00

EDB partner awards ceremony

12:00 – 12:30

Press briefing

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00


Section 1


Trade finance: how export agencies support integration


Development institutions traditionally pay less attention to supporting mutual trade than to infrastructure development. However, at the current level of the development of the single economic space, it is trade that remains the key driver of integration in the EDB countries. What instruments to support exports do national agencies have at hand? What mechanisms of interaction with development banks have proven to be effective?

Risk assessment, success stories.


Moderator: Dmitry Ladikov-Roev, Managing Director for Assets and Liabilities, Eurasian Development Bank


  • Nikita Gusakov, CEO, EXIAR
  • Ruslan Iskakov, Chairman and Member of the Management Board, KazakhExport Insurance Company
  • Mikhail Olshansky, First Deputy General Director, Eximgarant of Belarus
  • Denis Ivanov, Chairman of the Management Board, International Bank for Economic Cooperation
  • Oleg Kudyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund
  • Ivan Varenitsa, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  • Evgeny Kravchenko, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Trade Finance and Correspondent Banking, Sberbank

Section 2


Eurasian infrastructure breakthrough: national projects driving development and integration


Russia has launched a large-scale infrastructure development plan and Kazakhstan is running Nurly Zhol, a comprehensive infrastructure programme. How can national development agendas catalyse integration in Eurasia? What is needed to take advantage of the transboundary multiplier effect these investments produce in Eurasia?



Moderator: Sergey Ignatov, Executive Director, Transport and Infrastructure, Eurasian Development Bank


  • Pavel Brusser, Head of Infrastructure and PPP Department, Gazprombank
  • Svetlana Radchenko, Deputy Director for Infrastructure, Senior Banker, Central Asia and Mongolia, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Erzhan Nurakhmetov, Director of the Transport and Infrastructure Department, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Sergey Khramagin, Director General, State Transport Leasing Company
  • Nikolay Pomoschnikov, Deputy Head of Sub-Regional Office of UN ESCAP for North and Central Asia
  • Evgeny Trusov, Managing Director, VTB Capital
  • Daniil Zavyalov, Executive Director, InfraONE
  • Alexander Stoppe, Head of Research, Standing Committee of the Union State

Special session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly: Interaction among society, business and government in the context of Eurasian economic integration

2nd Floor, Press Room


The special session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is a space for communication and sharing experience. It is a free floor for discussion to tell in plain language about the operations and activities of the organisations that take part in Eurasian integration processes.

  • How to make a shift from people’s trust to the trust of economies?
  • What do global civil society organisations offer to form an atmosphere of business trust?
  • What do governments and businesses do to establish safe and reliable partnerships?



  • Vladimir Salamatov, Advisor to the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, CEO at International Trade and Integration
  • Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General – Head of the General Secretariat, Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly



  • Andrey Beliyaninov, Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Management Board at the Eurasian Development Bank
  • Rameshwar Singh, Founder and President of the Russian-Indian Friendship Society
  • Suren Vardanyan, Vice President, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Stanislav Naumov, Director General, Eurasian Centre for Integration Studies and Communications (EAEU Business Council)
  • Akhmet Palankoyev, Chairman of the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Qatari Business Councils at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
  • Eduard Taran, Founder and President of RATM Holding, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • Stanislav Korolev, President of the International Association of Historians of Asia, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • S. Genich, Representative in the Balkans of the Council for International Economic Affairs , Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • Alexander Povtsyanyi, Chairman of the Management Board, Association for Fostering Foreign Trade
  • Maxim Kuznetsov, Executive Director, Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
  • Sergey Roginko, Head of the Centre for Ecology and Development at the RAS Institute of Europe, participant in UN negotiations on climate and the Paris Agreement
  • Mikhail Fedorov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Association of Universities of Greater Eurasia
  • Alexander Lebedev, Director General at ELiEM Partners, Director General of the Big Asia TV channel and website – the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly’s strategic partner
  • Karl Eckstein, Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Switzerland
  • Svetlana Paraskeva, Chair of the Eurasian Council for Small and Medium-sized Businesses at the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, co-founder of International Partnership
  • A. Basangov, initiator of the North Wind Project
  • Yekaterina Dibrova, President of RHANA Corporation


Signing cooperation agreements

14:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:00


Section 3


Energy: balancing conventional and new sources of energy (the intellectual partner of the session is Vygon Consulting)


All the EDB countries run programmes to develop and support renewable energy. However, the share of new renewable energy sources (solar and wind plants) in their energy balances remains low, as they are still dominated by conventional hydrocarbon-fired generation. Renewable energy sources continue to face serious technology limitations. In addition, their volume and quality depend heavily on natural conditions. What is the optimal balance between upgrading obsolete gas and coal-fired generation facilities and developing renewable energy in the EDB countries?


Moderator: Alexey Zhikharev, Partner, VYGON Consulting


  • Hayk Harutyunyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Armenian Energy Agency
  • Oleg Barkin, Member of the Board – Deputy Chairman of the Board, NP Market Council Association
  • Carlo Palasciano Villamagna, General Director, Enel Russia
  • Egor Grinkevich, Deputy Director General, Technical and Regulatory Development, NovaWind
  • Alisher Kalanov, Head of RES Investment Division, RUSNANO
  • Mikhail Lisyansky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Solar Systems
  • Igor Shakhray, CEO, Hevel

Section 4


Establishing a single EAEU space for settlements in national currencies


Establishing a single space for settlements in national currencies and enhancing their role in mutual payments is one of the most important issues on the agenda of Eurasian integration. The participants will discuss the progress and challenges in establishing such a space, the ways to overcome them, and future developments.


Moderator: Evgeny Nadorshin, Chief Economist, PF Capital


  • Karine Minasyan, Board Member (Minister) in charge of Internal Markets, Information Support, Information and Communication Technologies, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Sergey Sovdagarov, President, Multiservice Payment System
  • Olga Komarova, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Eurasian Development Bank
  • Sergey Bazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Sviaz-Bank
  • Daniyar Imangaliyev, Head of Treasury, Eurasian Development Bank
  • Natalya Khoroshevskaya, Deputy Chair of the Management Board, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
  • Dmitry Piskulov, Head of Development, Foreign Exchange Market Department, Moscow Exchange


Buffet reception

09:00 – 10:00

Welcome coffee and registration

10:00 – 10:10

Conference opening and welcome speech by Andrey Beliyaninov, Chairman of the Management Board at the EDB

10:10 – 11:50

Plenary session. Eurasian integration agenda: challenges and perspectives

Topics for discussion:

1. Strengthening the role of national currencies in export and import payments within the EAEU and Greater Eurasia. What are the current barriers and constraints? What needs to be done to overcome them? The role of development institutions.

2. The EAEU single capital market and its promotion. How are the concept and roadmap of the single capital market being developed? The main “pressure points” and solutions.

3. Integration processes and the role of development institutions. The Eurasian integration agenda for the coming years. What should efforts focus on?

4. Prospects for expanding the geography of Eurasian integration. What countries may be interested in joining the EAEU? What trade agreements are on the agenda?

5. A Eurasian rating agency: the expediency of, and prospects for, creating one.

Moderator: Stanislav Natanzon, TV reporter and presenter, Russia 24 news channel

Invited speakers:

  • Andrey Beliyaninov, Chairman of the Management Board at the Eurasian Development Bank
  • Tigran Sargsyan, Chairman of the Board, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Alexei Kudrin, Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
  • Sergey Storchak, Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation
  • Sergei Gorkov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
  • Andrey Klepach, Deputy Chairman – Member of the Board, Vnesheconombank
  • Ruslan Davydov, First Deputy Head of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation
  • Dmitry Babichev, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Development Bank of Kazakhstan

11:50 – 12:00

EDB partner awards ceremony

12:00 – 12:30

Press briefing

12:00 – 12:30

Coffee break

12:30 – 14:00



Section 1


Trade finance: how export agencies support integration


Development institutions traditionally pay less attention to supporting mutual trade than to infrastructure development. However, at the current level of the development of the single economic space, it is trade that remains the key driver of integration in the EDB countries. What instruments to support exports do national agencies have at hand? What mechanisms of interaction with development banks have proven to be effective?

Risk assessment, success stories.


Moderator: Dmitry Ladikov-Roev, Managing Director for Assets and Liabilities, Eurasian Development Bank


  • Nikita Gusakov, CEO, EXIAR
  • Ruslan Iskakov, Chairman and Member of the Management Board, KazakhExport Insurance Company
  • Mikhail Olshansky, First Deputy General Director, Eximgarant of Belarus
  • Denis Ivanov, Chairman of the Management Board, International Bank for Economic Cooperation
  • Oleg Kudyakov, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund
  • Ivan Varenitsa, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus
  • Evgeny Kravchenko, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of Trade Finance and Correspondent Banking, Sberbank

Section 2


Eurasian infrastructure breakthrough: national projects driving development and integration


Russia has launched a large-scale infrastructure development plan and Kazakhstan is running Nurly Zhol, a comprehensive infrastructure programme. How can national development agendas catalyse integration in Eurasia? What is needed to take advantage of the transboundary multiplier effect these investments produce in Eurasia?



Moderator: Sergey Ignatov, Executive Director, Transport and Infrastructure, Eurasian Development Bank


  • Pavel Brusser, Head of Infrastructure and PPP Department, Gazprombank
  • Svetlana Radchenko, Deputy Director for Infrastructure, Senior Banker, Central Asia and Mongolia, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Erzhan Nurakhmetov, Director of the Transport and Infrastructure Department, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Sergey Khramagin, Director General, State Transport Leasing Company
  • Nikolay Pomoschnikov, Deputy Head of Sub-Regional Office of UN ESCAP for North and Central Asia
  • Evgeny Trusov, Managing Director, VTB Capital
  • Daniil Zavyalov, Executive Director, InfraONE
  • Alexander Stoppe, Head of Research, Standing Committee of the Union State


Special session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly: Interaction among society, business and government in the context of Eurasian economic integration

2nd Floor, Press Room


The special session of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is a space for communication and sharing experience. It is a free floor for discussion to tell in plain language about the operations and activities of the organisations that take part in Eurasian integration processes.

  • How to make a shift from people’s trust to the trust of economies?
  • What do global civil society organisations offer to form an atmosphere of business trust?
  • What do governments and businesses do to establish safe and reliable partnerships?



  • Vladimir Salamatov, Advisor to the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, CEO at International Trade and Integration
  • Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General – Head of the General Secretariat, Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly



  • Andrey Beliyaninov, Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Management Board at the Eurasian Development Bank
  • Rameshwar Singh, Founder and President of the Russian-Indian Friendship Society
  • Suren Vardanyan, Vice President, Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Stanislav Naumov, Director General, Eurasian Centre for Integration Studies and Communications (EAEU Business Council)
  • Akhmet Palankoyev, Chairman of the Russian-Turkish and Russian-Qatari Business Councils at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
  • Eduard Taran, Founder and President of RATM Holding, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • Stanislav Korolev, President of the International Association of Historians of Asia, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • S. Genich, Representative in the Balkans of the Council for International Economic Affairs , Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
  • Alexander Povtsyanyi, Chairman of the Management Board, Association for Fostering Foreign Trade
  • Maxim Kuznetsov, Executive Director, Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs
  • Sergey Roginko, Head of the Centre for Ecology and Development at the RAS Institute of Europe, participant in UN negotiations on climate and the Paris Agreement
  • Mikhail Fedorov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Association of Universities of Greater Eurasia
  • Alexander Lebedev, Director General at ELiEM Partners, Director General of the Big Asia TV channel and website – the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly’s strategic partner
  • Karl Eckstein, Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Switzerland
  • Svetlana Paraskeva, Chair of the Eurasian Council for Small and Medium-sized Businesses at the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, co-founder of International Partnership
  • A. Basangov, initiator of the North Wind Project
  • Yekaterina Dibrova, President of RHANA Corporation


Signing cooperation agreements

14:00 – 15:30


15:30 – 17:00



Section 3


Energy: balancing conventional and new sources of energy


All the EDB countries run programmes to develop and support renewable energy. However, the share of new renewable energy sources (solar and wind plants) in their energy balances remains low, as they are still dominated by conventional hydrocarbon-fired generation. Renewable energy sources continue to face serious technology limitations. In addition, their volume and quality depend heavily on natural conditions. What is the optimal balance between upgrading obsolete gas and coal-fired generation facilities and developing renewable energy in the EDB countries?


Moderator: Alexey Zhikharev, Partner, VYGON Consulting


  • Hayk Harutyunyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Armenian Energy Agency
  • Oleg Barkin, Member of the Board – Deputy Chairman of the Board, NP Market Council Association
  • Carlo Palasciano Villamagna, General Director, Enel Russia
  • Egor Grinkevich, Deputy Director General, Technical and Regulatory Development, NovaWind
  • Alisher Kalanov, Head of RES Investment Division, RUSNANO
  • Mikhail Lisyansky, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Solar Systems
  • Igor Shakhray, CEO, Hevel

Section 4


Establishing a single EAEU space for settlements in national currencies


Establishing a single space for settlements in national currencies and enhancing their role in mutual payments is one of the most important issues on the agenda of Eurasian integration. The participants will discuss the progress and challenges in establishing such a space, the ways to overcome them, and future developments.


Moderator: Evgeny Nadorshin, Chief Economist, PF Capital


  • Karine Minasyan, Board Member (Minister) in charge of Internal Markets, Information Support, Information and Communication Technologies, Eurasian Economic Commission
  • Sergey Sovdagarov, President, Multiservice Payment System
  • Olga Komarova, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Eurasian Development Bank
  • Sergey Bazanov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Sviaz-Bank
  • Daniyar Imangaliyev, Head of Treasury, Eurasian Development Bank
  • Natalya Khoroshevskaya, Deputy Chair of the Management Board, Kazakhstan Stock Exchange
  • Dmitry Piskulov, Head of Development, Foreign Exchange Market Department, Moscow Exchange


Buffet reception