NOTICE of the request for proposals | 15.07.2024

15 July 2024

Highly esteemed participants!


Hereby the Eurasian Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank), acting as an international organization under the Establishment Agreement of the Eurasian Development Bank dated 12 January 2006, offers You to present Your applications for participation in the request for proposals for the provision of services on the development of approaches and modelling the assessment of impact of the investment projects of the Bank on the economy of its member-states.

Any corporate entity or several corporate entities, acting as a single procurement participant (hereinafter referred to as the consortium), irrespective of the form of incorporation, form of ownership, location.

1. The goal, object and scope of services are articulated in the technical specifications, enclosed herewith.

2. Each participant shall meet the following requirements:

1) A participant shall be registered as a corporate entity or an individual entrepreneur under the procedure adopted in the country of their residence.

2) A participant shall be legally authorised to conclude a contract.

3) A participant shall possess sufficient experience in providing identical services, material resources, administrative competence, credibility, reputation, as well as human resources for fulfilling the contract.

4) A participant shall not have any liability, except for the current arrears in respect of taxes and social security contributions, including those to extra-budgetary funds, for at least 6 months before the day of the application submission.

5) A participant of the procurement — an individual, owner of a corporate entity or an individual acting as the sole executive body, or a chief accountant of a corporate entity — shall have no record for offences related to corruption and (or) fraudulent actions (except for individuals, whose criminal record has been expunged or removed), as well as no penalty in the form of deprivation of the right to occupy certain offices or engage in certain activities related to the supply of goods, conduct of works, provision of services, which are the subject of the implemented procurement, and administrative penalties in the form of disqualification, imposed on the above-listed individuals.

6) A participant shall not be subject to the procedures of liquidation or bankruptcy, its property shall not be seized or arrested, its financial and economic activities shall not be suspended under the legislation of the Bank member-state or the state of residence.

7) A participant shall possess all permits, certificates, possess a certain status and licenses envisaged by the legislation of the Bank member-state or the participant of the procurement for the supply of goods (conduct of works, provision of services).

8) The registers of unreliable suppliers (contractors, executors) of public procurement of the Bank member-states or a state of residence shall not contain any information on the participant of the procurement, including information on members of the collegial executive body, an individual performing the functions of the sole executive body of the participant of procurement — a corporate entity or entrepreneur.

Applications of those participants, who do not meet the above-listed requirements, shall not be considered.

3. Application assessment will be conducted in accordance with the following criteria:

1) The applicant possesses experience in implementing research or analytical projects related to multilateral development banks, Non-governmental organizations, and national development agencies/work experience in such organizations: value — 15%;

2) The applicant possesses experience in implementing projects on assessing performance of multilateral development banks, non-governmental organizations, and national agencies with the use of nonfinancial indicators: value — 35%;

3) The Applicant possesses experience in conducting research with the use of mathematical methods for forecasting and/or evaluating economic effects (for instance, econometric ones): value — 35%;

4) Financial criterion (cost of services): value — 15%.

4. The application shall mandatorily contain:

1)   Letter of notification, prepared in any format of the applicant’s choice, of one’s participation in the procurement, containing: a price offer, own additions to the technical specifications’ content (if present), and other information deemed necessary by the applicant.

2)   Application form in the format enclosed herewith.

3)   Consent to personal data processing in the cases and in the form set-forth in Annex __ to this Notice.

4)   Copies of constituent and founding documents certified by the corporate entity, documents of registration in the status of a corporate entity, or an extract from the state register of corporate entities or a similar register in accordance with the legislation of the state of the corporate entity’s residence, received at least 2 months prior to the date the start of the application submission process.

5)   A copy of the decision on the approval or an execution of a major transaction/deal, if the requirement for such a decision for a major transaction is established by the legislation of the state of residence of the participant, its constituent documents and if the supply of goods (execution of work, provision of services), which is the subject of the procurement, is a major transaction for the participant, or a declaration in the text of the letter of request for participation in the procurement, stating that the conclusion of the contract following the procurement is not a major transaction.

6)   Document proving the absence of arrears on taxes, insurance payments, fees, penalty fees and tax sanctions, issued by a respective state body at least 6 months prior to the date of the start of the application submission process.

7)   Document confirming the authority of the individual to act on behalf of the procurement participant — corporate entity (a copy of the decision on the appointment or the election of a chief):

-                             in case another individual acts on behalf of the procurement participant, the application shall also contain a mandate form (letter of authorization) to act on behalf of the participant of the procurement, certified by the seal (if any) of the participant of the procurement (for corporate entities) and signed by the chief of the participant of the procurement, or a notarized copy of such a mandate form (letter of authorization).

-                             in case the above-mentioned mandate form (letter of authorization) is signed by an individual authorized by the chief of the procurement participant, the application for participation shall also contain a document confirming the authority and powers of such an individual.

8)   Declaration confirming that the registers of unreliable suppliers (contractors, executors) of public procurement of the Bank member-states or a state of residence do not contain any information on the participant of the procurement, including information on members of the collegial executive body, an individual performing the functions of the sole executive body of the participant of procurement — a corporate entity or entrepreneur

9)   Reports, accounts and publications of the selected participant may serve as the documents, confirming that the procurement participant meets the application assessment criteria under item 3 of the Notice. A participant shall attach copies of the documents, proving that they meet each requirement, to the application, or provide links to the relative documents (accounts, research, publications, etc.), kept in open access, in the application.

10)   Document on the consortium establishment, if the application is submitted on behalf of the consortium.

11)   If the set of documents for application includes documents, written in the language other than Russian, a notarized, or equal to a notarized, translation into Russian is required.

12)   Other documents deemed necessary by the participant and related to the subject of the procurement.

Applications shall be sent in an e-format to the following e-mail addresses:

Applications that do not meet the application requirements mentioned herein shall not be considered and are not subject to assessment.

The Bank has the right to decline at any stage of the procurement the applications of those participants, who conspire, engage in corruption-related or fraudulent activities during the procurement.

The Bank has the right to extend the period of the application submission process at any time, notifying the participants at least one day before the end of the application submission period.

Date and hour of the start of the application submission process: 15 July 2024 09:00

Date and hour of the end of the application submission process: 15 September 2024 23:59

The applications submitted after the end of the application submission period shall not be considered and are not subject to assessment.

5. The Bank has the right to introduce changes to the present notice at any time but not later than 3 working days prior to the end of the application submission process, with the application submission period being extended.

6. The Bank has the right to cancel the request for proposals at any time prior to the end of the application submission process. The cancellation of the request for proposals does not provide any rights to the participants and does not impose any obligations on the Bank.

7. For working relations and work coordination purposes the Bank has appointed Chkoniya Anna-Maria Evgenievna:, and Nikita Plotnikov:

8. The present Notice of request for proposals is not a notice of invitation to tender; it does not provide any rights to the participants and does not impose any obligations on the Bank.

9. Enclosed documents:

a.   Participant’s application form.

b.   Consent to data processing.

c.    Technical specifications.

All the above-listed enclosed documents are an indispensable part of the present Notice.

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