EDB Technical Assistance Fund

The TAF is a flexible tool with the financing of which the EDB can quickly respond to the current needs and challenges of the member States. 

The TAF conducts its activities in various directions:

The EDB TAF in brief:

  • Established in 2008
  • Cumulative portfolio: 105 projects totaling US $15.3 million

The EDB TAF key principles

The Eurasian Development Bank provides technical assistance to fulfil the Bank’s mission and strategic directions via the preparation and implementation of investment projects, support for regional integration programs, multilateral, country, sectoral and innovative research aimed at promoting growth, developing market economies of member countries and expanding trade and economic cooperation.

The EDB formed the TAF Management Committee - a permanent collegial body, which carries out preliminary review and approval of project applications and the conditions of resource provision, as well as supervises technical assistance projects and Programs. The Bank’s Management Board takes the final decision on project approval and financing for all TA projects.

Project applications are reviewed on a competitive basis. Among others, the key assessment criteria are the alignment of the project goals and objectives with the Bank's mission, the realistic nature of the project’s expected results, a well-elaborated budget and implementation plan, as well as the investment perspective of the projects. Additionally, the TAF may be a source of resources to provide crisis financing on a non-repayable and non-reimbursable basis for humanitarian aid.

Some of our key TA projects: