Mobilising Finance and Sustainable Development – Eurasian Development Bank

To fund its project operations and resolve its strategic tasks, the Bank relies on the following principles of mobilising finance:

  • using all available sources of finance (including bilateral and multilateral bank loans, the Bank’s own issues denominated in various currencies, including national currencies of the member states) necessary for the Bank to successfully conduct its operations and ensure competitiveness of its products;
  • reducing funding costs of its operations by diversifying sources and times of finance and using derivative and structural instruments to hedge its foreign exchange and interest risks;
  • optimising previous borrowings;
  • developing market co-finance instruments for investment projects and strengthening the Bank’s role as an organiser of project finance by combining sources of finance and financial instruments in order to provide attractive terms of finance for its clients and minimise risks;
  • implementing best sustainable development practices in raising funds by issuing green and social bonds and through other forms of borrowing in capital markets, including bilateral and syndicated loans, repos, and other derivative instruments used to finance sustainable development projects.   

Green and Social Debt Instruments Framework (download)